Ministry Contact Person: Barbara Nieves 860-945-6516
Meeting Times: The 3rd Sunday of the month after the 8:30 mass in the basement of the church. Please join us.
Mission Statement: Promote the sacredness of life at all stages through education, prayer and support. Encourage parishioner involvement in life issues.
Prayer For Life:
O God, our Creator, all life is in your hands from conception until death.
Help us to cherish each person and to reverence the awesome privilege of our share in creation. May all people live and die in dignity and love, sharing and helping as we are able. Bless all those who defend the rights of the unborn, the handicapped, the victims of abuse, those on death row and the aged. Enlighten and be merciful toward those who fail to love; grant them a conversion of heart and give each person your peace.
Let freedom be tempered with responsibility, integrity, and morality.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Respect Life Links:
Local pregnancy resource center: Carolyn’s Place ( )
Abstinence education
Project Reality (
Life Cycle Books (
Catholic respect life current information
Priests For Life (
Pro-life Ministry of the Archdiocese of Hartford (
Post Abortion Healing
Rachael’s Vineyard (
Silent No More (
Educational Materials: Please look in the back of the church on the information table.
New information is provided monthly. Educate yourself on the issues!
Too Busy? Some simple, easy things YOU can do to spread the Culture of Life.
1. Put pro-life bumper stickers on your car
2. Visit the sick, elderly or lonely
3. Defend and accommodate the disabled
4. Promote and patronize pro-life business
5. Share the love of Christ everyday
6 .Contact your legislators on pro-life concerns
7 Speak up for life at all times in all situations
8. Always speak the truth in LOVE
9. Order pro-life checks
10. Send pro-life Christmas cards