At Holy Disciples parish, preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation begins in the 9th grade, regardless whether the student comes from a public school or a religious/Catholic school.
Our Confirmation program, titled Chosen, is meant to convey that Confirmation, like the other Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism and the Eucharist), is not so much about us choosing God, as it is about Him choosing us (see CCC 1).
Chosen exclusively focuses on the preparation to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, which includes specific in-class (once a month) and at-home activities (homework), and assignments.
The end result of effective catechesis is not a classroom full of smart students, but a community full of disciples. Each lesson of Chosen has been carefully laid out with this aim in mind.
Please note that Confirmation I students are required to collect 10 hours of community service during the program year that spans from September to April. 5 of the 10 hours have to be completed within the parish/community setting.
Let the adventure begin!